Paradise Park Cornwall Ticket Portal

Touraco and rescued birds Donation
Touraco and rescued birds Donation
Touraco and rescued birds Donation
Touraco and rescued birds Donation
Touraco and rescued birds Donation
Touraco and rescued birds Donation
Touraco and rescued birds Donation

Touraco and rescued birds Donation


We have seven species of Touraco, five of which arrived along with other species during the first lockdown when we gave a home to 27 birds which had been confiscated from illegal trade within the EU. Read the full story HERE

The species at the Park are White-cheeked Touraco, Red-crested Touraco, White-crested Touraco, Livingstone’s Touraco, Purple-crested Touraco, Violaceous Touraco and Great Blue Touraco.

Not only did the rescue of the birds during lockdown mean we had 27 extra mouths to feed but some of the birds had chronic health issues which required additional and long-term veterinary care.

Your support means that that we can continue our commitment to provide help to birds in desperate need whenever we can.

With heartfelt thanks from all of us at Paradise Park xx

To view the main donations page with lots of species to choose from, please click HERE.