Paradise Park Cornwall Ticket Portal

Help Protect Our Birds
Help Protect Our Birds
Help Protect Our Birds
Help Protect Our Birds
Help Protect Our Birds
Help Protect Our Birds

Help Protect Our Birds



If you can help, please donate towards the footbaths and the special ‘Virkon’ disinfectant used plus some additional materials like additional netting (penguins etc.) or special off-show undercover area for the flamingos to help protect our birds.

It is vital we do everything we can to protect our bird collection from Avian Influenza, and even though there are times when cases in the wild are very low, it does sadly increase again every year, so we need to maintain a high level of biosecurity. We are home to many threatened and critically endangered birds and even one sub-species which is thought to be extinct in the wild, the Mitchell’s Lorikeet. Caribbean Flamingos and Humboldt’s Penguins are also of serious conservation concern. 

The additional biosecurity measures help protect over 1200 birds (representing 130 species). The original penguin pool cover which cost £1,300 with help from local firm ‘C Macdonald Builders LTD’ donating their time, and this now needs to be maintained.

Ongoing, the footbaths, netting etc. do need replacing at times, plus items like “Flat soled” wellington boots which cost at least £58 a pair for the Keepers. The flat soles are much less likely to carry organic matter than the more traditional wellington boots. 

The Virkon ministry approved disinfectant against bird flu which we use in the footbath’s costs around £30-£40 a day (£280 a week!).

If you can help donate £5 or any multiples of £5 towards the ongoing biosecurity measures to help protect our birds, we would be extremely grateful.

Thank you from all the staff Xx

To view the main donations page with lots of species to choose from, please click HERE.